Monday, August 2, 2010


I liked the Google Blog Search, because the format was so similar to search engines with which I am already familiar. I also liked browsing and technorati, because both had easily accessible news items. I guess I knew in the back of my mind that most newspapers today had feeds available, but I had never accessed any before, which I did through this system. This included papers from London (did you know the poor North Korean world cup coach was not only fired, but now has to work construction as a punishment for the team losing all its games? Wow!) I keep thinking of all the English TEKS that require students to read more non-fiction than I have done in the past, and I think this will be a great way to incorporate that.

I could never get the library logs link to work, although I tried on two different days, so that was frustrating.

One thing I am enjoying is seeing how one blog leads to another one which can lead to another one . . . all the topics in which I am interested can be researched much more easily.

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